Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Dr. Samantha Zahavi, ND completed her certification in Facial Rejuvenation - Cosmetic Acupuncture & Massage in 2016. She has worked with many patients to improve skin conditions (such as acne and scarring) and in decreasing the signs of aging.

Treatments & Results

  • Length of each treatment: 1 - 1.5 hours

  • A series of 10-15 treatments is recommended (6-8 at the minimum)

  • Treatment spacing recommendation: 1-2x/week

  • Short-term results may be seen immediately or 1-2 hours after treatment. Longer lasting results occur when the series of treatment is complete.

  • It is recommended to perform 1 series of treatments once or twice per year for ongoing results

  • Acupuncture is typically followed by facial massage

Benefits of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture:

  • Improves muscle tone and firmness

  • Helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles

  • Increases collagen production

  • Improves acne and other hormone-based conditions by balancing the sebaceous glands (acne)

  • Decreases acne scarring and dark spots

  • Increases facial circulation for a rejuvenated appearance

  • Decreases sagging and jowels

  • Decreases frown lines & forehead creases

  • Treats both oily & dry skin

  • May reduce the appearance of double chin

  • Tightens pores for a smoother appearance

  • Brightens the eyes and reduces puffiness


Not to be administered during:

  • Pregnancy

  • Acute flu & cold

  • Acute herpes flare

  • Acute allergic reaction

  • Sunburn or facial bruising