About Naturopathic Medicine

Medically trained, naturally focused.
— Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)

Why I believe Naturopathic Medicine is UNIQUE to the healthcare field:

  1. root cause-based approach

    Naturopathic Doctors hope to uncover and treat the root cause of illness rather than simply treating presenting symptoms.

  2. longer visits together

    Visits are 60-90 minutes in length which allows for a deeper understanding of patient goals and concerns. I want you to have time to feel heard and supported along your entire health journey.

  3. Preventative medicine & optimization

    Naturopathic Medicine is focused on prevention and health optimization as much as it focuses on treating illness. In a world where medicine has been designed to primarily treat disease, Naturopathic medicine bridges the gap between feeling okay and feeling your best. Often times patients have mild concerns that go unnoticed for years until things eventually worsen. Treatment should begin now, before your body reaches that point of no return.

  4. individualized treatment plans

    Naturopathic Medicine values each patient’s uniqueness health profile and individual needs, it is not a one size fits all approach. Naturopathic Doctors help individuals manage chronic conditions and prevent worsening of pre-existing conditions. For example, many people suffer from pre-diabetes or climbing blood pressure. Doctors can prescribe lifestyle changes but without detailed tools for success, it leaves quite a bit of room for failure and eventual disease progression. My goal and purpose is provide you with an individualized treatment plan that helps you make those life-altering everyday lifestyle changes. We form long-lasting relationships coaching you and tracking your progress over time to ensure you reach your wellness goals, making changes as required.

  5. education leads to success

    Naturopathic Doctors act as teachers and coaches to patients, providing them with detailed information about their health or disease, so that you can be an active participant in your own health journey. Have you been recently diagnosed with an illness with little education around what today or the future might look like for you? Do you understand how medicines prescribed to you work in your body? As an ND, I love educating patients about health and wellness so they can understand more about their own body and feel in control. I will explain why I’m prescribing a treatment for you and how it functions in your body. I encourage you to ask as many questions as possible.



Naturopathic Medicine combines medical diagnostics with more natural treatments. Individualized treatment plans generally combine several modalities in order to improve health. Modalities commonly used in my Toronto-based practice may include:



Acupuncture promotes blood flow to areas of fine-sterile needling, bringing with it essential molecules for healing. It can be performed locally to improve physical complaints and systemically to effect change across the body in the treatment of various health concerns. Modern research has shown that acupuncture may modulate the nervous system, decrease stress, reduce pain, inflammation, improve hormonal imbalances, mental health concerns, digestive issues, muscle or joint pain and aid in IVF success rates. Local facial acupuncture may improve acne and acne scars and Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture may help in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, skin elasticity and dark spots associated with aging.


Clinical nutrition is essential in preventing and managing many diseases. It is the foundation of our health and in my opinion, one of the best medicines available in our world today. Nutritional counselling is very individualized depending on a person’s health concerns, disease and personal wellness goals. Those living with chronic or autoimmune diseases may benefit the most from altering their diet. Diet changes can also vastly help those who simply feel ‘off’ or don’t feel their best on a daily basis. Naturopathic Doctors are trained to create safe and effective plans, ensuring macro and micro nutrients are within effective and safe ranges for nutrient optimization.


Botanical Medicine

Herbal remedies have been around for centuries. Many plants and herbs have sparked the creation of conventional medicines in today’s world due to their constituents and healing properties. Naturopathic Doctors have extensive training in the use of plants and herbs with in-depth understanding of their safety profiles, therapeutic benefits and potential risks. Though herbs may act more gently on the body than some medications, it’s important to follow the recommendations of a board-certified ND or healthcare practitioner who understands your condition, potential drug interactions and who can monitor your health over time.


Supplementation involves the use of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, extracts, anti-oxidant and herbal formulations. Naturopathic Doctors are trained in the effective and safe use of supplements to treat and or prevent specific conditions. Naturopathic Doctors can also recommend supplements that may benefit those who are already on prescription medications to prevent nutrient deficiencies often associated with long term use of certain drugs and have knowledge about important interactions that may occur between supplements and medications. Not all supplements are created equal, NDs have access to supplements that are held to higher safety standards than those you might find on your own.


Hydrotherapy & Physical Therapies

Hydrotherapy involves the use of water, traditionally, alternating hot and cold water, which may impact the immune system, decrease pain and inflammation. This may include saunas, peat baths or immersion baths (often includes added herbs for additional healing benefits), cold or hot packs, and whole body wraps. Physical therapies might involve muscle stretching, exercises, cupping, therapeutic ultrasound or TENS machine use, massage, adjustments, and trigger point therapy (often combined with acupuncture). These combined tools help with pain, detoxification, improve immunity, boost circulation, treat nervous system or mood disorders and may act as supportive therapies to improve chronic pain and fatigue.

Lifestyle counselling

Naturopathic Doctors view the person and body holistically, meaning that lifestyle factors, diet, stress, emotions, the environment, relationships and so on may all impact our mind and body. By focussing on the mind-body connection, Naturopathic Doctors may help provide coping strategies for mental-emotional factors that impact health and disease and individualized treatment plans generally contain several recommendations with respect to lifestyle modifications in order to improve wellness and modify disease course.


About DoctormomND

As a Toronto-based Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Birth Doula and Mom of two, I am most passionate about helping women and families through conception, pregnancy, labour and post-partum. Motherhood is learning on the job. In my combined journey through motherhood and natural medicine, I’ve developed natural treatment protocols for common complaints that arise in women and children. My hope is to provide you with the information and tools I wish I had through my own journey to make your transition to motherhood a little easier, healthier, and leave you feeling supported mentally and physically.

Naturopathic medicine is a unique avenue that bridges the gap between conventional medical care in pregnancy and optimal wellness. For those looking for additional guidance with respect to nutrition, exercise, easing common pregnancy complaints, supplementing deficiencies, preventing illness, and learning what aspects of your health affect your baby’s development; brain, mind, body, gut, immune system and onwards, Naturopathic doula visits are for you. If you’re looking to have a doula attend your birth in the Toronto area or would like to learn more about the benefits of working with a doula, please read more here.

For tips and tricks related to children’s nutrition, supplementation, and overall health follow along via instagram and blog posts. I look forward to working with you and your family to help you achieve the balance and health you all deserve.

Dr. Samantha Zahavi, ND is available for both virtual appointments and in-person visits at one of her Toronto-based clinics.


Areas of Focus

Dr. Samantha Zahavi, ND maintains a general practice but has developed several niches within Naturopathic Medicine based on experience, continued education and research.

Women’s Health

Fertility & Pregnancy


Kids’ Health


Gut Health

Chronic & Mental Health Conditions




What To Expect

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