Women’s Health


Women’s health encompasses everything from wanting to optimize your health and wellness to feel your best, to diagnosis and treatment of female related conditions. When treating women’s health complaints, it is important to understand the complex interactions between each organ system and the internal and external influences on female health in order to achieve balance. Below is a list of top conditions seen frequently amongst today’s female community.

Nurturing yourself is not selfish - it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.
— Renee Peterson Trudeau

Areas of Interest

Include, but are not limited to:

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

PMS consists of mental and physical symptoms that generally arise within the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle. Testing and natural therapies can help you better understand your body and improve quality of life, whether you’re experiencing mild or severe symptoms. Since underlying conditions can also exacerbate PMS symptoms and vice vera, it is important to address these concerns as well.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS affects approximately 1.4 million Canadian women. Symptoms may include irregular periods, androgenic features (acne, hair changes), insulin resistance, weight gain and may include a history of ovarian cysts. It can be hard to diagnose and symptoms may be easily missed. Many women are only diagnosed with PCOS when they have trouble becoming pregnant. Modifiable risk factors can be targeted successfully using Naturopathic Medicine.


Women with endometriosis may experience severe pelvic pain with menstruation or intercourse, pain with bowel movements or urination, severe bloating and other discomforts that Naturopathic Medicine can minimize or resolve. Women may require additional fertility support if diagnosed with endometriosis. Lifestyle changes are very important for reducing inflammation, symptoms and to prevent worsening of this condition.

Premenstrual Dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

PMDD is a more severe form of PMS. For women with PMDD, symptoms can truly disrupt quality of life from ovulation through the end of the cycle. Women might experience overwhelming fatigue, recurring or worsening of anxiety and depression during this time. Is is important to differentiate PMDD from true mood disorders in order to guide proper treatment.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections can cause burning, bloody urine accompanied by constant urge and uterine pain. Many women get UTIs on a recurrent basis. Although they are usually bacterial in origin, they can often be treated naturally (~24-50% of the time, antibiotics are not required for cure). More importantly, Naturopathic Medicine can help prevent recurrent UTIs, decreasing the need for future antibiotics.

Hormonal imbalances

Hormones control so many functions in our body. Whether you are suffering from irregular periods, symptoms of menopause, cyclical pain, mood swings, hair changes, acne, fatigue, weight changes, prolonged stress or just feeling like something is “off”, your hormones are probably to blame. Restoring their function is essential to feeling your best. For more information on hormones, please visit Functional Testing.

The menstrual cycle is an important indicator of female health. Regular periods generally occur every 28-30 days (but can healthily range from 21-40 days) and bleeding generally lasts between 4-7 days. If you are noticing that your cycles are much shorter, longer or vary greatly from month to month, it’s worth learning more about your body. Hormonal health influences your overall health as all organ systems, body and brain, are interconnected and constantly interacting and communicating with each other. Through discussion, physical exam and comprehensive testing, we can hopefully uncover the details to your body’s story in order to restore alignment.

Dr. Samantha Zahavi, ND is available for both virtual appointments and in-person visits at one of her Toronto-based clinics.


Treatment Modalities

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Botanical Medicine



Hydro & Physical Therapies


Lifestyle Counselling


What to Expect

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