Kids' Banana Pancakes

This is the PERFECT BREAKFAST for babies and kids! It’s fast and super easy to make, packed with protein and nutrients (including choline from eggs which boosts brain development) and kids LOVE the taste!

My husband and I have been making these pancakes for our son’s since they started eating solids, they still love them to this day (almost on a daily basis) until the age of 3.5.

Another fun thing about these pancakes? You can easily use shapes to make cutouts or add fun toppings (favourites in our house are maple syrup, coconut cream, berries, nut butters and coconut yogurts).

Its also easy enough that you can teach to other family members who watch your kids like grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc! This recipe can be double or tripled depending on the number of kids you’re serving!


  • 1/2 banana mashed

  • 1 egg

  • coconut oil (or alternative oil such as avocado or olive)

Optional ingredients:

  • sprinkle of cinnamon

  • splash of vanilla extract

  • chia/hemp seeds or almond flour (2 tbsp)

  • chocolate chips


  1. Mash banana in a bowl

  2. Add egg & whisk

  3. Add other optional ingredients & mix (except chocolate chips, which should be sprinlked onto pancake while cooking, just before flipping or at very end)

  4. Spray or coat pan with coconut oil (or oil of choice) and heat on low-medium

  5. Pour mixture into pan and cook on low-medium for ~2 mins or until firm enough to flip

  6. Cook on other side until golden brown on both sides

  7. Cool & add toppings, cut into shapes or into small squares/strips as a finger food (age dependent preferences)

Topping options:

  • Yogurt or coconut yogurt

  • Nut/Seed butters (good idea to wash their hands and face before sending to school or daycare as other children might have allergies upon contact)

  • Hemp & chia seeds

  • Decorating with coconut cream/whipped cream & sprinkles on special occasions (ie: when made with grandparents) is a favourite and a fun bonding experience for kids.

    • The grandparents in our family call them “fun-cakes”! They love cooking these easy banana pancakes for their grandkids and decorating them together in the morning! They’ve also passed the recipe along to friends of their who need high protein, low sugar, gluten free breakfasts!

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Samantha Zahavi